Reliable E-Commerce Shipping for Fashion Influencers

Fashion has always been a quick-moving industry. From high street buyers attending big fashion shows in order to re-create the look in an affordable manner for their in-store customers, to celebrities sporting the latest fashion, everyone wants to copy these looks to then replace them again within a short space of time when another new look becomes “the one”.

The evolution of the influencers has been changing alongside the industry, and in recent years retailers and designers have seen the benefits of teaming up with “virtual public figures” in order to help promote their brands, get their garments noticed and help push sales. These virtual individuals, as well as many famous faces, form a significant part of any brand’s marketing campaign, and the desire to work together is driving retailers to fall head over heels in order to make these connections.

It is worth remembering that fashion influencers come in many guises, from the celebrity on the red carpet to the virtual public figure and even the TikToker who models a range of clothes from a brand in order to show what it out there. One thing they all have in common is that when people see what they are wearing, they want it as well.

The importance of reliable e-commerce shipping

People are generally impatient. Now, with the increase in popularity of platforms like TikTok, when they see something they like, they want it – not just soon but now. This means that the fashion industry has had to find proactive ways in which they can keep up with customers’ demands. From large to small fashion brands, the importance of shipping on time and same day has never been greater. 22% of customers in a recent survey actually stated that they would be prepared to abandon a basket of goods from a clothing retailer if same-day delivery wasn’t an option. Therefore, those e-commerce companies in the fashion industry that don’t offer this could be missing out on important sales.

Picking the right logistics solution is vital

At DeliveryApp we understand just how vital it is for e-commerce companies in the fashion industry to be able to offer reliable same-day fashion delivery, so that goods arrive with customers when they have been told that they will. As with many industries, sales can fluctuate with sudden increases in sales predicted as soon as fashion influencers showcase new items. This means flexibility is key, and the right delivery solution must, therefore, offer this alongside same-day options and tracking. Being able to track your items is essential in today’s fast-paced society. People don’t want to stay in all day for a parcel.

In order to provide the very best service possible to online fashion retailers, we are currently working with Liverpool-based fashion retailer Glamify, offering them a tailored rate for deliveries that vary depending on their volume. If you’d like to learn more about how we could help you deliver fast fashion better, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.