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A Guide To Our New Features

We have introduced new booking options to businesses using the platform.

After a successful Beta phase, we’ve introduced a couple of new features as part of Version 3.1.0 (Apple) / 3.1.1 (Google Play) for jobs added to the DeliveryApp platform, so you may see the below services offered. As such, we’ve provided a handy little guide to ensure that all of our delivery partners are aware of how this works and what they need to do in the event our customers require a little assistance.

Note: Please ensure you have updated DeliveryApp and that Location services are turned on for using the following new features.

Handball Feature

When a customer needs support with loading or unloading at the pickup or drop off point, we’ve provided them with the ability to indicate whether they require Handballing for their particular job.

As part of this new offering, the Handballing Charge will be charged and paid at an hourly rate with the price being shown on the DeliveryApp dashboard within the job detail.

Using The Feature As A Delivery Partner

From the jobs dashboard, when you view the job detail, there will be a note above the ‘Accept’ and ‘Decline’ buttons that reads “This job requires handballing” indicating that the customer requires assistance with loading/unloading at the pick up/drop off point.


If you are happy to assist with the Handballing requirement, then simply proceed with accepting the job as is the case with any other job. When you have arrived at the destination, select the ‘Arrived for collection’ button and this will show the Handball timer function. Before you begin loading/unloading, you will need to start the timer.


Once you have finished loading/unloading, simply stop the timer to record how long has been spent doing so. When the timer is stopped, a confirmation message will show at the bottom of the screen indicating how much time has been recorded. Finally, once the item has been delivered, the dashboard will show two records of the Handballing time at the pick up point and drop off destination. The Handballing charge will then be added to the final delivery price, which is chargeable to the customer.

Note: You will need to start and stop the timer separately at both the pick up and drop off point if Handballing is required at both.

Waiting Time Charge

Further updates to the app also include a new waiting time charge.

As a similar feature to Handballing, once you have accepted a job and select the button to indicate you have ‘Arrived for Collection’ the ‘Waiting Time’ timer will appear. Again, you will be required to start the timer when you have arrived and stop the timer once you have departed both the pick up and drop off points.

If the Waiting Time at pick up/drop off point is longer than 30 minutes, then a Waiting Charge will be applied to the job and will be added to the delivery cost which is chargeable to the customer sending goods out.

This Waiting Time charge will be paid at an hourly rate, which will be shown in the job detail, if the Waiting Time exceeds 30 minutes. If the Waiting Time does not exceed 30 minutes then no Waiting Charge will apply.

Note: You will be required to start and stop the timer separately at both the pick up and drop off points.

The updates above will be rolled out onto the platform week commencing 04/07/2021 – If you have any questions about the new service offering and app updates please contact us at

Written by DeliveryApp

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